We are all part of the Body of Christ and are needed to make the Body whole. St Paul tells us that each has gifts that are to be share with the community and that our ultimate goal is to spread the Good News. St. Agnes offers plenty of opportunites to do just that! Take a look at the list below and click the link to contact the coordinator. We welcome you to get involved:
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Ministers
Ministry of Hospitality
Music Ministries
Livestream Video Team
Spirituality and Prayer
Just a Guy in the Pew
Catechist Coaches
Prayer Line
Bereavement Group
St Louise DeMarillac Group
Temporal Stewardship
Heavenly Dusters (clean church)
Holy Name Society (men's group)
Social Justice and Service-see the Community and Social Justice Page
Social Concerns Committee
Monthly Sloppy Joes for St. John's Breadline
Holy Family Food Pantry Collection
Advent Angel Tree
Holy Name Society
Leadership and Advocacy
Pastoral Council
Finance Council
Formation Board
School Board