Are you seeking a parish community in which to pray, to learn and to be of service to others? Our doors and hearts are open to you.
Founded in 1888, St. Agnes Parish is one of the largest Catholic churches in the Springfield diocese and enjoys an actively involved community. For more information and to become a member of the Parish you may stop by the rectory office Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Or, for your convenience, you may register by phone by calling 217-793-1330. We're thankful that God has sent you to us.
Loved and Chosen by God,
We are the Saint Agnes Parish Family.
Through Baptism
We share responsibility
For continuing the mission of Jesus.
We are called
To be a community
Whose members enable and support
The gifts given to each by the Spirit.
We are sent
To make Christ visible in our world
Through worship
Proclamation of the Word
And service to all God's people.
We the people of God, in the Catholic Christian Community of Saint Agnes, in northwestern Springfield, Illinois, commit ourselves to seek first the Kingdom of God in our life together.