Maggie Cunningham, President
Ryan Lee, Vice-President
Lindsay Eck, Secretary
Ashish John
Courtney Norris
Tiffany Rhodes
Amy Winters
Steven Vogt
Elizabeth Vogt
Rachel Miller
Ex-Officio Members
Rev. Daniel J. Bergbower and Rachel Cunningham
The St. Agnes School Board is an advisory body in matters pertaining to the educational programs and facilities of the St. Agnes Parish School. Members serve 3- year terms and are eligible for 2 consecutive terms. The School Board advises the pastor in the establishment of policy relative to the parish school and advises the principal in the implementation of that policy. In all of its work, the School Board’s mandate is to integrate the teaching of Catholic values within the total school curriculum. In furtherance of its mandate, and working under the leadership and guidance of the pastor and principal, the School Board has recommended and worked to secure many initiatives, including the following:
creation of an Enrollment Committee, to review and implement goals and policies for enrollment, retention and growth in furtherance of Catholic education;
establishment and hiring of a St. Agnes Parish and School Development Director, to provide leadership, management and coordination of development, marketing and communication efforts for the School and Parish;
completion of Phase 2 of the Annual Fund SMART Connect goals to add SMART Boards in every classroom, replace outdated classroom computers, implement an on-line communications program for use by parents, faculty and administrators;