In 2022, St. Agnes gathered diverse groups of parishioners and community members to hold synod conversations as the global church was doing in many places. Our conversations were really about listening and dreaming. We compiled our thoughts and sent a report to the North American Synod Commitee. You can see our PARISH REPORT HERE.
Once all the organizations and dioceses sent in their reports, a compilation was created which reflected a good deal of what our local community heard! That was very gratifying and humbling! You can read the North American report HERE.
Now that all regions of the world have reported to Rome, it is time for the Assembly of Bishops to convene the Universal phase of the Synod. They have reveiwed all the material sent to them and developed the "Instrumentum Laboris" (working document) to guide their sessions. And, the exciting part is that not just bishops will be gathering and voting but lay people are included too! They will be meeting in October 2023 and 2024 to discuss Three Priority Issues: COMMUNION, PARTICIPATION AND MISSION in order to build a more inclusive, listening and synodal Church.
We are invited to continue our conversations as well! Based on the process being followed in Rome, we will gather in this Eucharistic Revival time to be in COMMUNION, PARTICPATE IN OUR PARISH and GO OUT IN MISSION.